Thursday, March 11, 2010


Consciousness is all there is, was, and ever will be.

In essence, it is God or Spirit. Consciousness/God/Spirit does not have a beginning or end, but it chose to come into expression as you.

Your body to Consciousness is like you putting on your clothes in the morning and going out into the world. Some people do “remember”, some of us don’t.

Different people remember to different degrees. Some people have a vivid memory of being pure Consciousness, some don’t.

We are always pure Consciousness in expression, it is who we are. The degree to which we are aware of this determines whether we “remember”.

The word remember connotes a past, but there is no past. You are here now. Always in existence.

I haven’t figured out how to explain this yet, but it makes sense in my being.

Consciousness from this perspective does not intend. If we were referring to it as you, conscious and subconscious mind, that would be true.

However, it is not your Consciousness that intends say peace, it is you (or lowercase c-consciousness). Consciousness/God/Spirit is peace.

What you are intending is to align yourself (your beliefs, your mind) with what already is. How much peace you manifest or experience is determined by how much you allow pure consciousness to express through you.

Add to that, you have a unique blend of experiences, skills, and talents that allow you to express and experience peace uniquely (the how). You are the filter, so to speak.

The same with love.

Consciousness/God/Spirit is love. People are loving because they express Consciousness.

Some people let it flow freely, some people block it. Some people are aware of letting it flow or blocking it and some people aren’t.

What about all of you?


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